Your Notre Dame Club of Kalamazoo has the following Notre Dame football tickets available and is opening bidding now through Wednesday 09/08, 5:00 pm. All dues-paying Club Members are eligible to bid on the tickets:  starting bid is $300 for a pair + a Joyce Parking Pass (with the exception of the Purdue & USC games which the parking passes have already been sold).  

Bids should be emailed to Tom Fritz:

Bids will be accepted until Wednesday 09/08, 5:00 pm.

 Here are the available tickets:

USC, 18 tickets – Level U, Section 132, Row 19 or 20 (seats are together)

Purdue, 2 tickets, Level U, Section 132, Row 19, Seats 24 & 25

ND Club’s season tickets Level L, Section 19, Row 58, Seats 9 & 10:

Toledo, Saturday 09/11, 2:30:  2 tickets + Joyce Parking Pass

Purdue, Saturday 09/18, 2:30:  2 tickets

Cincinnati, Saturday 10/02, 2:30:  2 tickets + Joyce Parking Pass

USC, Saturday 10/23, 7:30:  2 tickets

North Carolina, Saturday, 10/30, 7:30:  2 tickets + Joyce Parking Pass, + 2 additional tickets that are not with the other 2.   

Navy, Saturday, 11/06 3:30:  2 tickets + Joyce Parking Pass

Georgia Tech, Saturday, 11/20, 2:30:  2 tickets + Joyce Parking Pass


Thank you,

Tom Fritz
President ND Club of Kalamazoo

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